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Rep. Becca Balint Calls on Ben & Jerry’s Parent Company to Address Migrant Child Labor Practices

Rep. Becca Balint Calls on Ben & Jerry’s Parent Company to Address Migrant Child Labor Practices 

Washington, D.C - Rep. Becca Balint calls on Vermont-founded Ben & Jerry’s to address reports that milk used in their products are processed using child labor. Rep. Balint, like many Vermonters, is proud of the state’s commitment to strong labor standards particularly within the dairy supply. These recent reports raise concerns for Rep. Balint, who is requesting a response from Ben & Jerry’s parent company to outline how to quickly put an end to these labor practices. 

“As a Vermonter, I know that these reports are not consistent with Ben & Jerry’s values. In 2017, Ben & Jerry’s became the first company to implement the Milk with Dignity Program, which has its roots in Vermont and seeks to ensure strong labor standards for farmers and farmworkers in the dairy supply chain,” Rep. Balint wrote in the letter. “Unilever has a responsibility to its customers to ensure its supply chain does not rely on children working dangerous, exploitative and illegal jobs.” 

Rep. Balint is urging Unilever to take swift action to address any unsafe or exploitative labor practices from their supply chain with a response by March 21, 2023. 

See text of letter here
