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FY25 Appropriations

In order to make the federal funding process more responsive to the needs of the American people, the House Appropriations Committee accepted requests from Members of Congress for Community Project Funding for Fiscal Year 2025. Members of Congress may submit up to 15 projects by non-profit and government entities.  

Final determinations on funding are subject to enactment of an FY25 appropriations bill. Members cannot guarantee which, if any, projects are funded, nor at what level.  

I am grateful to have received so many wonderful proposals for projects across Vermont. Below are details of the projects I submitted to the Appropriations Committee for consideration, listed in alphabetical order. In accordance with House and Committee rules, I have certified that neither I nor my immediate family has any financial interests in any of the projects I submitted.  

I was proud to secure $10.9 million for Vermont in FY24. This year, I am excited to put forward projects that will respond to last year’s devastating flooding, build new housing, increase access to childcare and more.  


Brattleboro Housing Authority d/b/a Brattleboro Housing Partnerships - Melrose Terrace Redevelopment - $1,300,000 

Funding will be used to redevelop 30 units of energy-efficient housing in a vibrant community in the heart of West Brattleboro, filling a critical need for housing in the Brattleboro area. This project will be built outside the flood plain in an effort to replace senior housing devastated by Tropical Storm Irene and later removed for flood mitigation.  


Burlington Housing Authority – South Square, Bishop Place and Decker Towers Elevator Modernization - $941,760 

Funding will allow the Burlington Housing Authority to modernize elevators in three downtown Burlington apartment buildings, South Square, Bishop Place and Decker Towers, that are all designated for low-income seniors and individuals with disabilities. Upgrading key components of the elevator system such as the installation of microprocessor-based control systems will meet modern safety standards, ensure reliable operation, and improve the health and safety of residents. 


City of Barre - Flood-Resilient Housing - $1,000,000 

Funding will allow the City of Barre to purchase four flooded properties, fund the mitigation measures necessary for making the lots buildable, and help construct flood-resilient housing. This project will reclaim areas damaged by the July 2023 flooding and create safe, resilient housing in Barre. 


City of Barre - Wastewater Treatment Plant Digesters Replacement - $414,920 

Funding will be used to replace faulty wastewater treatment equipment at the City of Barre wastewater treatment plant. The equipment at the plant has reached the end of its useful lifespan and is not functioning properly. As a result of existing faulty equipment, Barre City is forced to collect sludge and pay to truck it to Canada. Replacing this equipment will save the city money and improve efficiency at the plant.  


City of Burlington - South End Wastewater Storage - $1,000,000 

This funding will support the development of a new neighborhood, with significant additional housing, by expanding the City’s wastewater system capacity. This project includes constructing a wastewater storage system to accommodate population growth in the area and prevent sewer overflow into Lake Champlain. And expanding the size of the storage system to accommodate new growth in the South End. 


Lyndon Institute, Inc. - Early Childhood Education and Workforce Development - $750,000 

Funding will allow Lyndon Institute to restore two campus buildings to create an innovative family resource center with an on-site childcare and preschool program, as well as an immersive high school teaching facility and early childhood educator training program. The family resource center will train the next generation of early educators and provide much-needed childcare spots in the community. 


Norwich University Applied Research Institutes Ltd. - Community Response Empowerment Toolkit Development - $500,000 

Funding will support Norwich University Applied Research Institutes as they develop a data analytic toolkit to assist community leaders in evaluating how best to deploy public safety resources given their local context, needs, and demographics.    


Spectrum Youth and Family Services, Inc. - Youth Shelter - $825,000 

Funding will allow Spectrum Youth and Family Services to purchase and renovate a facility to serve as a short-term youth shelter in St. Alban’s. The facility will provide opportunities for youth to find employment and continue schooling; offer mental health and substance abuse counselors if needed; and case management to support youth in their move to permanent housing. 


Springfield Housing Authority - Southridge Cottage Court Workforce Housing Redevelopment - $1,500,000 

Funding will be used for infrastructure necessary for the development of 18 units of new workforce housing adjacent to Springfield High School. 


Springfield Hospital, Inc. - Boiler and Chiller Replacement – $1,100,000 

Funding will be used for the replacement of a severely outdated boiler and chiller at Springfield Hospital, significantly increasing efficiency and reducing costs of heating and cooling this essential critical access hospital. The current boiler and chiller are well beyond their life expectancy, leaving the hospital vulnerable to closure should they fail. 


State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation - Statewide Culverts Replacement- $2,600,000 

Funding will be used for replacement of 13 small culverts across the state. This project will strengthen Vermont’s highway network and improve resiliency by mitigating against flood hazards. 


State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation - Sheldon Junction Trailhead Construction - $2,272,000 

Funding will be used for design and construction of a trailhead at Sheldon Junction, where Lamoille Valley Rail Trail (LVRT) intersects with the Missisquoi Valley Rail Trail (MVRT). This project will improve access to recreation in the northern tier of Vermont and safety at the trailhead, at the adjacent recreational fields, and on a busy section of VT Route 105. 


Town of Granville - Fire Department Building Upgrade - $412,500 

Funding will be used to expand and upgrade the Granville Fire Department, bringing water, septic, and meeting and training space to the building, which currently operates without potable water at its facility.  


Town of Highgate - Wastewater Discharge System Construction - $750,000 

Funding will support the construction of an indirect discharge wastewater system for the Village of Highgate, Vermont. This will allow for the redevelopment of the village center into a beautiful, comprehensive gathering space that supports the community, creating the potential for more housing and a reduced tax burden for residents. 


Vermont Housing & Conservation Board - Hinesburg Windy Ridge Neighborhood and Housing Development - $2,000,000 

This funding will be used to create the site infrastructure, including water/sewer, roads, and electrical service, for the development of a critically needed new mixed-income neighborhood with 76 new homes in Hinesburg, Vermont. This infrastructure is necessary to allow the development to proceed, ultimately providing desperately needed housing.