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Rep. Becca Balint Introduces Invasive Species Prevention and Forest Restoration Act

Rep. Becca Balint Introduces Invasive Species Prevention and Forest Restoration Act 


Washington, D.C – Today, Rep. Balint introduced the Invasive Species Prevention and Forest Restoration Act. The bill would expand access to the US Department of Agriculture emergency funding to combat the threat of non-native species to our forests. 


“I, like so many Vermonters, am concerned about the future of our natural resources and ecosystems. To protect our forests and the health of native species, it’s clear we need to take federal action. I’m proud to partner with Senator Welch to preserve our environment in the face of invasive species,” said Rep. Balint. 


The Invasive Species Prevention and Forest Restoration Act would:

  1. Expand the USDA’s access to emergency funding to combat invasive species.
  2. Establish a grant program to support institutions focused on researching restoration of native tree species that have been severely damaged by invasive pests.
  3. Authorize funding to implement promising research findings on protection of native tree species.
  4. Mandate a study to overcome the lack of centralization and prioritization of non-native insect and pathogen research and response within the federal government, and develop national strategies for saving tree species.


Senator Welch led Senators Braun and Hassan in introducing the Senate companion. 

Text of the bill here.

