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Rep. Balint Named Vice Ranking Member of Oversight Subcommittee

Rep. Balint Named Vice Ranking Member of Oversight Subcommittee

Joins Ranking Member Mfume to Lead the Government Operations and Federal Workforce Subcommittee

 Washington, D.C – Rep. Becca Balint announces new position as Vice Ranking Member of the Government Operations and Federal Workforce Subcommittee on the Committee on Oversight and Accountability. 

“Joining Ranking Member Kweisi Mfume as Vice Ranking Member of this subcommittee allows me to prioritize high-quality, adequately funded mail service through the United States Postal Service because Americans deserve reliable and efficient federal government agencies. I’m committed to approaching this work with reason and clarity to deliver real results for Vermonters and working families across the country. Thank you to Ranking Members Raskin and Mfume for their faith in my leadership. I’m proud to work alongside them to deliver fact-based and values-driven oversight of the federal government,” said Rep. Balint.

“This talented and diverse group of lawmakers shares a dedication to serving the American people through methodical, fact-based oversight.  Oversight Democrats are committed to upholding the truth, which is constantly in danger these days, and I am proud to work alongside these distinguished Vice Ranking Members as we advance authentic fact findings and commonsense policy solutions, ” said Ranking Member Jamie Raskin of the five Oversight Committee Vice Ranking Members.

The Subcommittee on Government Operations and Federal Workforce has jurisdiction over the federal civil service, federal and state government relations, public information, and other federal services such as the US Postal Service. Kweisi Mfume is the Ranking Member of the subcommittee. 

She is also a member of the Health Care and Financial Services Subcommittee.