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ICYMI: Rep. Becca Balint Receives “A” on Defend The Vote Scorecard

Defend The Vote Action Fund Scores Rep. Becca Balint with top grade for fighting to protect Americans’ rights and freedoms and for defending democracy

Washington, D.C. – Last week, in recognition of the 59th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Defend The Vote Action Fund, one of the nation’s leading pro-democracy organizations, released its 2024 Legislative Scorecard for the 118th Congress. 

The Scorecard tracks the support of Members of Congress for bills that ensure our democracy works for everyone as well as whether they oppose destructive legislation that attacks the core rights and freedoms of American citizens.  

“Our democracy is stronger when we pull more people into the fold. It’s essential we protect and strengthen one of our most sacred rights in this country - the right to vote. I’m proud to be an original cosponsor of the Freedom to Vote Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, and other legislation to make voting more accessible for everyone, no matter your zip code or identity. It’s urgent that we continue to remain unwavering in the fight for the health of our democracy,” said Rep. Becca Balint. 

“Fifty-nine years after the Voting Rights Act was signed into law, our nation is once again at an inflection point. The attacks on our freedoms and democracy continue to intensify,” DTV Action Fund Executive Director Brian Lemek said. “We need Members of Congress who will side with the Constitution and the rule of law, fight to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to vote in safe, accessible elections, and work to give the people a voice in the system, not just wealthy and corporate interests. Our scorecard found that Rep. Balint is committed to protecting the rights and freedoms of Vermonters and all Americans, and she has earned the top grade possible.” 

Click here to see Rep. Balint’s grade and the full list of bills scored. 

Defend The Vote Action Fund advocates for legislation to defend and strengthen our democracy and to hold members accountable to their commitment to voting rights. 

On August 6, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law. It was one of the most successful civil rights laws in our nation’s history, blocking thousands of discriminatory voting laws before they could take effect. In 2013, the extreme conservative majority of the Supreme Court began gutting the law, starting with the Shelby v Holder decision. The John Lewis Voting Rights Act and Freedom to Vote Act together would restore the VRA’s power, while setting national standards to protect ballot access, end gerrymandering, and protect poll workers and voters from harassment as well as ban Dark Money. 
