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Rep. Becca Balint Announces State of the Union guest, Bill Lippert

Washington, February 7, 2023 | Sophie Pollock (202 430 1161)
Tags: Congress

Rep. Becca Balint Announces State of the Union guest, Bill Lippert


Washington, D.C – Tonight, Rep. Becca Balint (VT-AL) will welcome Bill Lippert as her Congressional guest for President Biden’s State of the Union Address. Lippert was a legislator for almost 30 years in Vermont and has been a steadfast champion of LGBTQ rights throughout his career. 

In the 1980’s, Lippert helped organize the first Pride parade in Burlington, and was a founding board member of Outright Vermont, Vermont’s queer youth-serving organization.  Lippert founded the Samara Fund, a community foundation dedicated to improving the lives of VT's LGBTQ citizens. 

As the only openly gay member of the Vermont General Assembly, Lippert was instrumental in making Vermont the first state to grant civil unions to same-sex couples in 2000. Nearly a decade later, he played a critical role in guaranteeing full same-sex marriage rights through the state’s legislature. Again, making Vermont a trailblazer as the first state to legalize same-sex marriage without a court order. 

“I am thrilled Vermont is getting to share Becca’s courage, kindness, and her full authentic self as an ‘out’ LGBTQ woman with Washington and Congress. Becca is such a hopeful role model for all Vermont young people, but especially of our Vermont queer youth. I am so proud to call Becca Vermont’s Congresswoman and honored to be her guest for the State of the Union address,” said Bill Lippert.

“Bill’s bravery as an openly gay legislator came at a time where many remained closeted due to lack of legal protections. His fearless championing of equality paved the way for LGBTQ leaders like me to run for office. I’m thrilled to have him by my side this evening as we reflect on the state of our union under President Biden. Bill and I know there is still so much work left to achieve full equality. But tonight, I’m reminded of just how important it is to lead with love in our fight for freedom and justice,” said Rep. Balint.


