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Rep. Becca Balint Votes ‘NO’ on Failed Sham Impeachment of Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

Rep. Becca Balint Votes ‘NO’ on Failed Sham Impeachment of Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

Washington, D.C - Rep. Becca Balint (VT-AL) issued the following statement on her opposition toH.Res. 863, Impeaching Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas: 

“This failed effort by House Republicans to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas would do absolutely nothing to address immigration concerns, and only serves to politicize the humanitarian crisis at the Southern border. It’s clear that House Republicans have no intention of working to find legislative solutions to address our broken immigration system. This was a political stunt with no real case for charges of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors.’

“Congress has a role to play in immigration reform and making changes to address systemic failures, expand legal pathways, and invest resources in updating an outdated and inhumane system. We need to prioritize the humanity of the real families and children at the border rather than demonizing and othering. ”
