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Rep. Becca Balint Statement on Horrific Violence in Israel and Gaza

Rep. Becca Balint Statement on Horrific Violence in Israel and Gaza 

Washington, D.C. - “I’m deeply saddened by the overwhelming, brutal loss of Israeli and Palestinian lives. The loss of civilian lives in Gaza and Israel is truly horrifying, and the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza will surely lead to the death of more innocent people, including children.   

“To meet this moment with the moral clarity it requires, protecting innocent lives must be at the forefront of Israel’s response to Hamas’ terror campaign. The United States must work urgently with Israel, Egypt and other countries in the region to ensure that critical supplies can reach the civilian population in Gaza. I support Israel’s right to defend itself after the unprecedented surprise attack against them. I’m calling for Israel to take all necessary measures to ensure the successful transport of aid to Gaza. With millions of lives at risk, attacks on homes, schools, water, and power must be off limits. Any acts of collective punishment are unacceptable, in keeping with international law.

“As a strong supporter of a two-state solution, I fear that the violence erupting right now will only serve as a setback to any hope of peace, security, and justice for both sides. The international community must find a path to reduce suffering and protect the innocent lives caught in the crossfire.”
