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Rep. Becca Balint Joins 55 Members in Letter Condemning Hamas Attacks, Urging Protection of Civilian Lives

Rep. Becca Balint Joins 55 Members in Letter Condemning Hamas Attacks, Urging Protection of Civilian Lives

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Rep. Becca Balint joined over 50 of her colleagues in condemning the terrorist attacks by Hamas on the people of Israel, calling for Israeli military operations to follow the rules of international humanitarian law, and continuing to work toward peace in the region.

“We unequivocally condemn Hamas’ shocking and horrifying terrorist attack on Israel. This is the worst perpetration of violence inflicted on the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Our hearts are with those who were tragically killed and their loved ones who mourn their loss,” wrote the Members. “We also continue to hope for the safe return of those who were taken hostage by Hamas, including American citizens, and stand ready to support your Administration in bringing them home.”

“Vermonters, like me, are concerned about a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Hamas does not represent Palestinians. They are using innocent Gazans and their children as human shields. I'm joining my colleagues in calling for a path to reduce suffering and protect innocent lives,” said Rep. Becca Balint. 

Specifically, the Members are calling on the Administration to take the following priorities into account: 

  1. Communicate that Israel’s response in Gaza must be carried out according to international law and take all due measures to limit harm to innocent civilians;

  2. Work to quickly restore the delivery of food, water, fuel, electricity, and other life-saving necessities to Gaza to ensure that innocent civilians have the basics needed for survival;

  3. Collaborate with regional partners to establish a humanitarian corridor to enable the delivery of such life-saving necessities and to allow Palestinian civilians and foreign nationals, including U.S. citizens, to seek safe haven outside of Gaza; 

  4. Publicly discourage any hate crimes and backlash against any American—including Jews and Muslims—including by communicating to the American people that Hamas is not the Palestinian people and the Palestinian people are not Hamas; and

  5. Ensure that supplemental funding requests to Congress include humanitarian assistance for both Palestinians in Gaza and Israelis.
