Dear young people,
I don’t have to tell you all about the urgency of this moment. You feel it. You understand it. Our democracy and our constitution are under threat. This is important to every American, no matter who you voted for.
What’s happening here behind closed doors is shady. When it comes to government, nothing good happens in secret. What we are witnessing is that the very foundations of fairness and democracy are under attack daily by this administration.
But here’s the truth: we don’t have to accept it. We don’t have to stay silent while our future is compromised. In fact, it’s your generation that’s leading the charge for change. And it’s critical that you continue to use your voices to demand better. That will help us hold the line and defend our democracy and our freedoms. And it’s your actions that will shape the world for years to come.
What can we do?
First, you got to get involved. Figure out which issue is most important to you. You can’t do it all. Identify the issue that you want to pour your energy into. Is it climate change? Reproductive rights? Gun violence? Fairness and equality in the workforce? What issue fires you up? Get clear on that and then get to work. Volunteer. But whatever you do, don’t lose heart.
Second, we have to organize and agitate and resist. We join movements. We create community when we do this work together. And use our collective power to push back against policies that harm people and the planet.
Third, we educate ourselves and others. Knowledge is power. That’s why you are all here. With education and knowledge, you can advocate for real solutions, for your community — solutions that prioritize working people over profits and billionaires. The environment over corporate greed, and fairness over oppression.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the changemakers. We are the ones who will push the needle on issues like healthcare, racial justice, climate action, and economic equity.
And while it may seem like the forces against us are powerful, remember this: we are a movement, and movements can topple regimes. We’ve seen it before in history, and we’ll see it again.
And don’t be distracted. Don’t be overwhelmed. Turn your anger and frustration and fear into a commitment to fight for this country we all love deeply.
And don't forget that when you get involved and harness your energy, you will inspire others to do the same.
So don’t back down. Don’t lose hope. They want us to lose hope and give up. That is their strategy. By continuing to fight you are showing that our resistance is stronger than their hatred.
Stay focused and fierce, my friends. Stay focused and fierce.
Watch in video form.